Our mission is to consistently provide excellent service to our Meeting and Association Management clients.
We want to make you shine while being a socially and environmentally responsible organization.
“The Venue West team was a complete joy to work with! From pre-event, to event and post-event the process went smoothly and the staff was incredibly professional and organized. I look forward to working with them again in the future!
Brittney Burns, Events Manager
“The BC Sports Rep Association has engaged the services of Venue West for over 10 years. We are extremely happy with their performance. Venue West has been excellent in helping us organize our shows, publishing our show directory, researching facilities, arranging hotel contracts, website management, and managing our books.
Gary Plant - Past President
“Its been a wonderful ride these past 14 months or so... I have gone around telling people here because I’m so pleased [about the 2016 Profit], and optimistic for a next conference! This has happened so positively because of your detailed and diligent work with our budget, with us, the website – every corner of organizing a conference. THANK YOU SO MUCH for making it a success (so I hear)!
Heleen Sandvik - Conference Chair
DPS Conference 2016
“As the dust after the past days' conference is starting to settle, I wanted to send you my personal thanks for all your fantastic, extremely professional work in making the event happen. I have worked with several conference organisers over the years, in many different countries, and you have by far been the best. No task was too much for you, and we could always feel confident that you would take care of things.
We are receiving a lot of very positive feedback from the participants. Thanks for making this into such a memorable event. People are already asking when we are doing this again.
Dr. Cecil Konijnendijk van den BoschInternational Urban Forestry Congress (IUFC 2018)
“On behalf of all of us, as well as our delegates, I wanted to thank and congratulate you on a terrific SIU Night. Your creativity and professionalism, along with the able support of all your suppliers, colleagues and partners, delivered a great event that was appreciated by all. People were in a very upbeat mood and enjoyed the games, the photo ops, the food and drink, and the musical offerings. I think it’s quite safe to say that a good time was had by all.
So from our collective SIU heart, thank you very much indeed, and best wishes for success in all your future endeavours.
Valérie Guillet, Congress DirectorSociété Internationale D'urologie
“The Venue West tool was recommended to us, and after reaching out to them it quickly became apparent that their tool was the best fit for our event and that their staff was experienced and helpful. Throughout the site build, the testing, the continuous adjustments, the staff training, the delegate registrations, the customer service, and the onsite registrations, both the tool and the team helped us accomplish our tasks and run a successful event.
The CaGBC Conference earned positive feedback from our delegates regarding the new tool. Venue West’s robust system and advanced reporting features worked well and were easy for us to use. The customized site with specific fields and their excellent customer service and assistance led to the successful delivery of our complex registration process.
We strongly recommend the Venue West registration tool and their knowledgeable team.
Jane Eaton, Senior Events CoordinatorCanada Green Building Council
“Thank you for your significant contribution to the success of the 16th World Route Development forum. It was a pleasure working with you and your team. ... It's comforting knowing we have such tremendous expertise in our backyard. We wanted to work with local suppliers as much as possible; however, if necessary we were prepared to look beyond. Fortunately for us we found you as Venue West proved to be the perfect choice. As a result of your efforts, YVR is now a few notches higher on the global airline priority list.
Thanks again for all your hard work - you made us look fantastic.
Joel Tkach, Manager Passenger MarketingVancouver Airport Authority
“I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your assistance as we planned for our LES Annual Meeting in Vancouver. Maria, it was a thrill to finally meet you after all the months of working together!
I can honestly share with both of you, that both the Opening Reception and Gala were wonderful successes! Your guidance on choosing decor and entertainment were outstanding, and sticking to our budget, was incredibly valuable! Both rooms looked spectacular! ... What a fabulous show, and many commented on what great entertainment we had!
My applause to you, and all those concerned from Venue West who truly assisted us in having a successful meeting!
Marcie Peterson, Meeting PlannerLES Annual Conference
“NAACCR has partnered with Venue West for almost a decade. In that time their services have been superb. Their professionals guide our association to successful conferences every year. From pre-conference site inspection visits to the budget process and through the last day of the conference; Venue West is there guiding us through the process and ensuring that our investment in the conference is protected. The value they bring to the table is second to none.
Charles Blackburn, MBA, Chief Operating OfficerNAACCR
“Venue West is a top-notch organization, with exceptional attention to detail and budget, and a great group to work with. I would definitely plan a meeting with them again, and recommend them very highly.
Gordon Francis, MD, ChairIAS Workshop on HDL
“AAPM was given a last-minute directive from our Board of Directors to plan an evening social event for 2,800 guests. We had eight months to plan the event in Vancouver, and had no ideas for venues or entertainment. You guys really pulled it off! You were so right about so many decisions, and managed the event expertly.
We've had only positive feedback on the event. The only drawback is that now our attendees expect this level of excellence every year.
Karen MacFarland, Meetings & Programs ManagerAmerican Association of Physicists in Medicine
“On behalf of the board of directors and staff of Quota International, THANK YOU AND THE ENTIRE TEAM at Venue West for making our convention tours so fabulous! Our members who participated raved about the quality of the tours and the tour guides. All of the logistics were extremely smooth, making my job as meeting planner easier. ... This was the first time we handed over tour registration to someone else AND did online tour registration, and your system worked great. Thanks for making that experience so positive.
Christy Hertz, Convention ManagerQuota International
“Venue West is a top-notch organization, with exceptional attention to detail and budget, and a great group to work with. I would definitely plan a meeting with them again, and recommend them very highly.
Gordon Francis, MD, ChairIAS Workshop on HDL
“Thanks so much for all of your help in the run up to the seminar. I have been amazed by your efficiency and the speed of your response.
Ruth Erskine, Office ManagerBC Council of International Education
“On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the World Tunnel Congress 2010, I would like to extend our thanks and congratulations regarding the above event. The arrangements that you and your team have made for our spousal program at this year's Congress were well done and enjoyed by all of the registered accompanying persons. The coordination of buses... was accurate and went without a glitch. Let me once again extend my sincere congratulations and thank you for the part you played in making this year's congress such a success.
Marie Lanouette, Congress ManagerWorld Tunnel Congress
“I would like to express my sincere thanks... to you and all of your staff at Venue West for all the hard work that went into preparing for and during the week of ITS 2010 Vancouver. ... Overall, we have had the majority of the delegates and exhibitors rate the event excellent or good. In particular, I have had numberous positive comments made to me about the Gala Dinner.
Garth Manson, DirectorThe ABR Company Ltd.
“I am most delighted to recommend Venue West to you in the role of Association Management. They will do a splendid job! The seven members of the Executive Committee... have been extremely pleased with Venue West... They are exemplary in politeness, are most cordial, very prompt... They will make running your Association a great deal easier and free of stress.
Dr. Andrew Eisen, MD, FRCPCProfessor Emeritus, UBC Neurology / Treasurer IFCN
“I can't say enough about your registration staff... They all went that extra mile to help our attendees... The Opening Reception was a truly outstanding event. The marvelous food was enhanced by your decorations...
Barbara HickmanManager, Conference Services - American Society of Civil Engineers
“I would like to extend my most sincere congratulations to you for the outstanding CSEB-APHEO conference that you all worked so hard to plan, organize, coordinate, run this past week. It was a superb meeting that added much depth, breadth and interest for the attendees. ... I recognize fully the enormous dedication, time, commitment, energy, enthusiasm and hard work that such a conference requires and feel that you all deserve credit for its very successful outcome.
Dr. Christine Friedenreich, PhD, Leader Population Health Research / AHFMR Health Senior ScholarCancer Corridor, Alberta Health Services
“I just wanted to send this... thank you to all of you for your help to the CLF for our role in the conference this year. In particular, I wanted to thank you for your help with tonight's gala.
Karen Seto, Director, Professional Education and PartnershipsCanadian Liver Foundation
On behalf of all of us, as well as our delegates, I wanted to thank and congratulate you on a terrific SIU Night. Your creativity and professionalism, along with the able support of all your suppliers, colleagues and partners, delivered a great event that was appreciated by all. People were in a very upbeat mood and enjoyed the games, the photo ops, the food and drink, and the musical offerings. I think it’s quite safe to say that a good time was had by all.
So from our collective SIU heart, thank you very much indeed, and best wishes for success in all your future endeavours.
Valérie Guillet, Congress DirectorSociété Internationale D'urologie
Thank you for your significant contribution to the success of the 16th World Route Development forum. It was a pleasure working with you and your team. ... It's comforting knowing we have such tremendous expertise in our backyard. We wanted to work with local suppliers as much as possible; however, if necessary we were prepared to look beyond. Fortunately for us we found you as Venue West proved to be the perfect choice. As a result of your efforts, YVR is now a few notches higher on the global airline priority list.
Thanks again for all your hard work - you made us look fantastic.
Joel Tkach, Manager Passenger MarketingVancouver Airport Authority
NAACCR has partnered with Venue West for almost a decade. In that time their services have been superb. Their professionals guide our association to successful conferences every year. From pre-conference site inspection visits to the budget process and through the last day of the conference; Venue West is there guiding us through the process and ensuring that our investment in the conference is protected. The value they bring to the table is second to none.
Charles Blackburn, MBA, Chief Operating OfficerNAACCR
AAPM was given a last-minute directive from our Board of Directors to plan an evening social event for 2,800 guests. We had eight months to plan the event in Vancouver, and had no ideas for venues or entertainment. You guys really pulled it off! You were so right about so many decisions, and managed the event expertly.
We've had only positive feedback on the event. The only drawback is that now our attendees expect this level of excellence every year.
Karen MacFarland, Meetings & Programs ManagerAmerican Association of Physicists in Medicine
On behalf of the board of directors and staff of Quota International, THANK YOU AND THE ENTIRE TEAM at Venue West for making our convention tours so fabulous! Our members who participated raved about the quality of the tours and the tour guides. All of the logistics were extremely smooth, making my job as meeting planner easier. ... This was the first time we handed over tour registration to someone else AND did online tour registration, and your system worked great. Thanks for making that experience so positive.
Christy Hertz, Convention ManagerQuota International
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the World Tunnel Congress 2010, I would like to extend our thanks and congratulations regarding the above event. The arrangements that you and your team have made for our spousal program at this year's Congress were well done and enjoyed by all of the registered accompanying persons. The coordination of buses... was accurate and went without a glitch. Let me once again extend my sincere congratulations and thank you for the part you played in making this year's congress such a success.
Marie Lanouette, Congress ManagerWorld Tunnel Congress
I would like to express my sincere thanks... to you and all of your staff at Venue West for all the hard work that went into preparing for and during the week of ITS 2010 Vancouver. ... Overall, we have had the majority of the delegates and exhibitors rate the event excellent or good. In particular, I have had numberous positive comments made to me about the Gala Dinner.
Garth Manson, DirectorThe ABR Company Ltd.
I am most delighted to recommend Venue West to you in the role of Association Management. They will do a splendid job! The seven members of the Executive Committee... have been extremely pleased with Venue West... They are exemplary in politeness, are most cordial, very prompt... They will make running your Association a great deal easier and free of stress.
Dr. Andrew Eisen, MD, FRCPCProfessor Emeritus, UBC Neurology / Treasurer IFCN
Below is a selection of some of our past conferences

- Airshow Canada – (15,000 delegates)
- American Water Works Association – (13,000 delegates)
- Buddhist Women International – (5,000 delegates)
- International AIDS Society Conference – (5,500 delegates)
- International Conference on Entomology – (7,000 delegates)
- International Congress of Midwives – (3,000 delegates)
- International Congress on Geodesy & Geophysics – (4,500 delegates)
- International Congress on Physiological Sciences – (3,200 delegates)
- International Dental Federation – (5,000 delegates)
- International Federation of Beekeepers Association – Apimondia ’99 – (3,000 delegates)
- World Congress of Mathematicians – (3,000 delegates)
- World Congress of Neurology – (5,000 delegates)
- 7th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology
- 12th World Congress of the International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics
- 19th International Herpesvirus Workshop
- 28th Congress of The World Small Animal Veterinary Association
- Canadian Geotechnical Society Annual Conference (GeoVancouver)
- Canadian Cancer Research Conference
- Conference of the International Association of Water Quality
- Congress of the International Federation of Business & Professional Women
- Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association
- Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion
- FICPI – Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle
- IEEE International Conference on Communications
- INSOL – International Insolvency Organization of Lawyers
- Inter-American Cardiac Symposium
- International Congress of EEG & Clinical Neurophysiology
- International Congress of Neuromuscular Diseases
- International Congress of Parasitology
- International Conference on Cancer Nursing
- International Conference on Clinical Forensic Medicine of World Police Medical Officers
- International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors
- International Federation of Operational Research Societies
- International Kimberlite Conference
- International Microbiology Conference
- International Mycological Congress
- International Papillomavirus Conference & Clinical Workshop
- International Schizophrenia Conference
- International Seed Crushers Association
- International Seaweed Symposium
- International Society for Augmentative & Alternative Communication
- International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting
- International Symposium Homogenous Catalysts
- International Symposium on Subscriber Loops & Systems
- Medical Users Software Exchange
- Million Dollar Round Table Annual Meeting
- Organization for Human Brain Mapping World Congress
- World Assembly for Mental Health
- World Association of Pathologists
- World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
- World Conference on Melanoma
- World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE)
- World Congress of Medical Technology
- World Congress on Adolescent Medicine
- World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization
- World Orchid Conference
- Alberta Sports Rep Association
- ALS/Motor Neuron Disease Association Symposium
- American Foundrymen Association
- American Ophthomology Society
- American Urological Association
- American Water and Waste Association
- Association of Canadian Port Authorities
- Association of International Bond Dealers
- BC Dairy Association AGM
- BC Nurse Practitioners Association
- BC Sports Rep Association
- Bienniel Meeting of The Society for Heart Valve Disease
- Canadian / American Urological Association
- Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences
- Canadian Culinary Federation
- Canadian Green Building Council
- Child Neurology Society Conference
- Comité Maritime International
- Conference of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association
- Disaster Physcosocial Conference
- Eating Disorders Association of Canada Conference
- International Aquarium Congress
- International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineers Congress
- International Association of Financial Executives Summit
- International Association of Women Police
- International Atherosclerosis Society-sponsored Workshop on High Density Lipoproteins
- International Conference on Biomagnetism
- International Cardiothoracic Surgeons Congress
- International Collegium Otorhinolaryngology
- International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage
- International Conference on Gas Hydrates
- International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
- International Conference on Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater Streams
- International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics
- International Congress on Aesthetic Medicine
- International Congress of Cytology
- International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators (ICMA XVIII)
- International Early Psychosis Conference
- International Family Nursing Conference
- International Fuzzy Systems Conference
- International Neuro-Opthomology Society Meeting
- International Geochemical Exploration Symposium
- International Heart Research Conference
- International Housing and Home Warranty Conference
- International Marine Transit Association
- International Multiple Sclerosis Conference
- International Racing Analysts Conference
- International Regulators Forum Offshore Safety Conference
- International Right of Way Education Seminar
- International Society of Differentiation
- International Society of Organ Sharing
- International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery
- International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants
- International Symposium on Thrombolysis and Acute Stroke Therapy
- International Urban Forestry Congress
- KPMG International Conference
- Moore Stephens International
- North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
- Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology
- Pan Am Surety Conference
- PASOLS – Pacific Asia Security Liaison Officers
- Pharmacology Vancouver 2001
- World Conference on Timber Engineering
- World Congress on Child & Youth Health
- World Down Syndrome Congress